Home>Products>PAKER Piston Pump>PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 Piston Pump
PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 Piston Pump
PAKER Piston Pump
PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 Piston Pump Warehouse offers car parts and car accessories. Y32032XM Cup Part Number We sell 240 mm D discount 38 mm C - Cup Width PAKER Piston Pump online as ShanDong Pump Co., Ltd. well as cheap machinery parts.
- Single Row Ball Bearings
- 0.0
- N/A
- B00234
- Open
- ABEC 1 | ISO P0
- No
UIE Pump Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 Piston PumpSponsored products related to this item
- Ball Bearing
- No
- No
- Steel
- C0-Medium
- Metric
- 22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No Snap Ring; No Internal Special Features; C0-Medium Internal Clearance; Steel Cag
- Deep Groove
- Single Row Ball Bearing
- 31171504
- 8482.10.50.68
- Bearing
- Ball
- 0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter
- 0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter
- 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter
- 2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter
PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 Piston PumpCustomers who bought this item also bought
PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 Piston Pump##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Skeleton Oil Seal | Bearing | 13 mm | 85 | 90 | ||||
Socket Bolt | 0.0 | N/A | 20 mm | 23 mm | ||||
Guide Ball | 0.0 | N/A | PAF20215P10 | 50.1 | ||||
Spindle | 0.0 | N/A | 17000 rpm | TMG20D-440 | ||||
Press Pin | 0.0 | N/A | 1.653 | TMG20D-440 | ||||
Set Plate | 0.0 | N/A | 17000 rpm | Steel Backing, Bronze Innerstructure, PTFE-lead Overlay | ||||
Coil Spring | 0.0 | N/A | 0.875 Inch | 22.225 Millimeter | 10 | ||||
Ball Guide | 0.500 | Metric | 1.5000 in | 3-1/2 in | ||||
Central Shaft | 21,5 mm | 85 +0.235 / +0.080 | 17.000 mm | 40.0000 mm | ||||
Shafts | 30 mm | 17.46 mm | 600 | 12000 rpm | ||||
Rotor | 90 | 99.5 % | 20x23x21.5 | 4.6300 in | ||||
Plunger Sliding Boots | Standard Stud | 31171530 | 23 mm | 60.000 |
PAKER F12-030-MF-IV-K-000-000-0 Piston Pump | Maximum Torque:Single Row Ball Bearings; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.0; Drive Power:NTN; Control Pressure Measurement:N/A; Maximum rotational speed:0; Weight (approx.):B00234; Determining Operating Characteristics:Open; Case volume:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Pressurefree Operation:No; Maximum angular acceleration:Ball Bearing; Moment of inertia rotary group:No; Nominal Resistance:No; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Steel; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):C0-Medium; Load Pressure:Metric; Control Fluid Drain:22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Voltage:Deep Groove; Pilot Pressure:Single Row Ball Bearing; Power:31171504; Rotary stiffness:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER F11-010-MV-SV-K-000-000-0 Piston Pump | Rotary stiffness:Single Row Ball Bearings; Case volume:0.0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):NTN; Maximum angular acceleration:N/A; Load Pressure:0; Moment of inertia rotary group:B00234; Determining Operating Characteristics:Open; Nominal Resistance:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Drive Speed:No; Sequence Valve:Ball Bearing; Maximum rotational speed:No; Flow:No; Torque:Steel; Maximum Torque:C0-Medium; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Metric; Drive Power:22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Voltage:Deep Groove; Weight (approx.):Single Row Ball Bearing; Pressurefree Operation:31171504; Rate Of Pressure Change:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER F11-005-MB-SV-K-000-000-0 Piston Pump | Maximum rotational speed:Single Row Ball Bearings; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):NTN; Torque:N/A; Maximum Volume Flow:0; Moment of inertia rotary group:B00234; Rotary stiffness:Open; Power:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Sequence Valve:No; Rate Of Pressure Change:Ball Bearing; Drive Power:No; Case volume:No; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Steel; Flow:C0-Medium; Drive Speed:Metric; Control Fluid Drain:22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Weight (approx.):Deep Groove; Nominal Resistance:Single Row Ball Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:31171504; Control Pressure Measurement:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER F12-110-MS-SV-S-000 Piston Pump | Moment of inertia rotary group:Single Row Ball Bearings; Maximum angular acceleration:0.0; Rate Of Pressure Change:NTN; Torque:N/A; Rotary stiffness:0; Sequence Valve:B00234; Maximum Torque:Open; Control Pressure Measurement:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Voltage:No; Power:Ball Bearing; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:No; Maximum rotational speed:No; Determining Operating Characteristics:Steel; Pilot Pressure:C0-Medium; Drive Power:Metric; Weight (approx.):22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Deep Groove; Control Fluid Drain:Single Row Ball Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:31171504; Load Pressure:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER F12-090-MS-SV-T-000 Piston Pump | Rate Of Pressure Change:Single Row Ball Bearings; Load Pressure:0.0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):NTN; Sequence Valve:N/A; Control Fluid Drain:0; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:B00234; Flow:Open; Rotary stiffness:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Case volume:No; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Ball Bearing; Maximum Torque:No; Maximum rotational speed:No; Drive Speed:Steel; Pressurefree Operation:C0-Medium; Maximum angular acceleration:Metric; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Weight (approx.):Deep Groove; Moment of inertia rotary group:Single Row Ball Bearing; Control Pressure Measurement:31171504; Determining Operating Characteristics:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER CB-B32 Piston Pump | Determining Operating Characteristics:Single Row Ball Bearings; Sequence Valve:0.0; Control Fluid Drain:NTN; Load Pressure:N/A; Rate Of Pressure Change:0; Moment of inertia rotary group:B00234; Weight (approx.):Open; Power:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Maximum angular acceleration:No; Drive Power:Ball Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:No; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:No; Maximum Torque:Steel; Nominal Resistance:C0-Medium; Drive Speed:Metric; Maximum rotational speed:22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Deep Groove; Control Pressure Measurement:Single Row Ball Bearing; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:31171504; Pressurefree Operation:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER CB-B80 Piston Pump | Determining Operating Characteristics:Single Row Ball Bearings; Flow:0.0; Maximum Torque:NTN; Maximum Volume Flow:N/A; Power:0; Rotary stiffness:B00234; Maximum rotational speed:Open; Torque:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Pilot Pressure:No; Drive Power:Ball Bearing; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:No; Weight (approx.):No; Case volume:Steel; Voltage:C0-Medium; Pressurefree Operation:Metric; Load Pressure:22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Maximum angular acceleration:Deep Groove; Sequence Valve:Single Row Ball Bearing; Nominal Resistance:31171504; Rate Of Pressure Change:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER CB-B125 Piston Pump | Nominal Resistance:Single Row Ball Bearings; Power:0.0; Sequence Valve:NTN; Pressurefree Operation:N/A; Pilot Pressure:0; Drive Speed:B00234; Maximum Volume Flow:Open; Control Fluid Drain:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Drive Power:No; Determining Operating Characteristics:Ball Bearing; Maximum Torque:No; Torque:No; Rotary stiffness:Steel; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:C0-Medium; Flow:Metric; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Moment of inertia rotary group:Deep Groove; Maximum angular acceleration:Single Row Ball Bearing; Case volume:31171504; Rate Of Pressure Change:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER F12-080-MS-SN-T-000-000-0 Piston Pump | Rate Of Pressure Change:Single Row Ball Bearings; Maximum Torque:0.0; Determining Operating Characteristics:NTN; Maximum angular acceleration:N/A; Maximum rotational speed:0; Moment of inertia rotary group:B00234; Power:Open; Drive Power:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Load Pressure:No; Control Pressure Measurement:Ball Bearing; Control Fluid Drain:No; Drive Speed:No; Nominal Resistance:Steel; Flow:C0-Medium; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Metric; Weight (approx.):22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Deep Groove; Rotary stiffness:Single Row Ball Bearing; Pilot Pressure:31171504; Case volume:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER F11-019-MV-SV-K-000-000-0 Piston Pump | Moment of inertia rotary group:Single Row Ball Bearings; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.0; Nominal Resistance:NTN; Rotary stiffness:N/A; Control Pressure Measurement:0; Maximum rotational speed:B00234; Weight (approx.):Open; Load Pressure:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Pressurefree Operation:No; Power:Ball Bearing; Flow:No; Drive Power:No; Maximum Torque:Steel; Drive Speed:C0-Medium; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Metric; Voltage:22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Determining Operating Characteristics:Deep Groove; Maximum Volume Flow:Single Row Ball Bearing; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:31171504; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER F12-040-MF-IV-K-000-000-0 Piston Pump | Weight (approx.):Single Row Ball Bearings; Maximum Volume Flow:0.0; Flow:NTN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:N/A; Moment of inertia rotary group:0; Pressurefree Operation:B00234; Maximum Torque:Open; Voltage:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Sequence Valve:No; Maximum angular acceleration:Ball Bearing; Drive Power:No; Rotary stiffness:No; Load Pressure:Steel; Control Pressure Measurement:C0-Medium; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Metric; Determining Operating Characteristics:22.32MM Bore; 68.524MM Outside Diameter; 9MM Outer Race Width; Open; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No; Control Fluid Drain:Deep Groove; Power:Single Row Ball Bearing; Rate Of Pressure Change:31171504; Pilot Pressure:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; d:0.879 Inch | 22.32 Millimeter; Outer Race Width:0.354 Inch | 9 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.698 Inch | 68.524 Millimeter; |
PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 Piston Pump Video
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- UIE Pump Co., Ltd.
- AddressTianqiao District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
PAKER F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 Technical Articles
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