Home>Products>Yuken Double Vane pump>Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Double Vane pump
Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Double Vane pump
Yuken Double Vane pump
How do I place an EMERGENCY 120 °C Max operating temperature, Tmax order for a Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Double Vane pump 0.05 kg Mass 10 mm d that ShanDong Pump Co., Ltd. I want to pick up at a our store?
- Yuken
- Single Row Ball Bearings
- 0.0
- N/A
- B00234
- 2 Metal Shields
- ABEC 1 | ISO P0
- No
UIE Pump Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Double Vane pumpSpecification
- Ball Bearing
- No
- No
- Steel
- C0-Medium
- Inch
- 1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No Snap Ring; No Internal Special Features; C0-Medium Internal
- Light Duty
- Single Row Ball Bearing
- 31171504
- 8482.10.50.68
- Bearing
- Ball
- 0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter
- 1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter
- 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter
- 2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter
Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Double Vane pumpCodes and sizes
Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Double Vane pump##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Shafts | 130 mm | 75 mm | 1,53 Kg | 8482.10.50.28 | ||||
Retainer Plate | 170 mm | 80 mm | 4,13 Kg | Used for Light load | ||||
Drive Shaft | 5.906 Inch | 150 Millimeter | 2.756 Inch | 70 Millimeter | 2.921 | Bearing | ||||
Cylinder Block | 17 mm | 15 mm | - | ABEC 1 | ISO P0 | ||||
Separator | 2.165 Inch | 55 Millimeter | 1.181 Inch | 30 Millimeter | 0.248 | 0.248 | ||||
Servo Piston | 5.3150 in | Phenolic | 0.38 lb | ABEC 7 | ISO P4 | ||||
Ball Guide | 3.2500 in | Electroless Nickel Plating | 36,2 mm | 25 | ||||
Set Plate | 42 | 20 | UE-1810 | Available | ||||
Valve Plate | Metric | 30 | 8482.10.50.68 | 170 | ||||
Plunger Sliding Boots | Grease seal, Heavy Industrial, SKF Flex | 45.0 | Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary Metals Industry, Steel Industry, Aluminum Industry, Pulp and Paper Industry, Che | Available | ||||
Inclined Plate | 40 N/mm² | Self Aligning | Yes | Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary Metals Industry, Steel Industry, Aluminum Industry, Pulp and Paper Industry, Che | ||||
Cylinder Blocks | 59 mm | 1.97 | Yes | Phenolic |
Yuken PV2R34-76-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Drive Speed:Single Row Ball Bearings; Case volume:0.0; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:NACHI; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):N/A; Control Fluid Drain:0; Maximum Torque:B00234; Rate Of Pressure Change:2 Metal Shields; Maximum angular acceleration:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Determining Operating Characteristics:No; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Ball Bearing; Rotary stiffness:No; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:No; Power:Steel; Load Pressure:C0-Medium; Maximum Volume Flow:Inch; Weight (approx.):1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Pilot Pressure:Light Duty; Torque:Single Row Ball Bearing; Flow:31171504; Moment of inertia rotary group:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-184-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Single Row Ball Bearings; Control Pressure Measurement:0.0; Pressurefree Operation:NACHI; Maximum rotational speed:N/A; Weight (approx.):0; Maximum Volume Flow:B00234; Torque:2 Metal Shields; Voltage:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Control Fluid Drain:No; Drive Speed:Ball Bearing; Power:No; Case volume:No; Pilot Pressure:Steel; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:C0-Medium; Drive Power:Inch; Flow:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Rate Of Pressure Change:Light Duty; Nominal Resistance:Single Row Ball Bearing; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):31171504; Determining Operating Characteristics:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-184F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Rotary stiffness:Single Row Ball Bearings; Nominal Resistance:0.0; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:NACHI; Moment of inertia rotary group:N/A; Sequence Valve:0; Maximum Volume Flow:B00234; Maximum angular acceleration:2 Metal Shields; Drive Power:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Drive Speed:No; Pressurefree Operation:Ball Bearing; Case volume:No; Power:No; Load Pressure:Steel; Torque:C0-Medium; Maximum Torque:Inch; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Weight (approx.):Light Duty; Voltage:Single Row Ball Bearing; Pilot Pressure:31171504; Maximum rotational speed:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Weight (approx.):Single Row Ball Bearings; Maximum angular acceleration:0.0; Drive Speed:NACHI; Rotary stiffness:N/A; Control Pressure Measurement:0; Torque:B00234; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2 Metal Shields; Drive Power:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Moment of inertia rotary group:No; Case volume:Ball Bearing; Pressurefree Operation:No; Pilot Pressure:No; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Steel; Power:C0-Medium; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Inch; Sequence Valve:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Load Pressure:Light Duty; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Single Row Ball Bearing; Maximum Torque:31171504; Control Fluid Drain:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Drive Power:Single Row Ball Bearings; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.0; Torque:NACHI; Rate Of Pressure Change:N/A; Nominal Resistance:0; Moment of inertia rotary group:B00234; Drive Speed:2 Metal Shields; Load Pressure:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Determining Operating Characteristics:No; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Ball Bearing; Control Pressure Measurement:No; Pressurefree Operation:No; Voltage:Steel; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:C0-Medium; Power:Inch; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Control Fluid Drain:Light Duty; Pilot Pressure:Single Row Ball Bearing; Flow:31171504; Case volume:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-153-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum angular acceleration:Single Row Ball Bearings; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.0; Voltage:NACHI; Flow:N/A; Load Pressure:0; Maximum Torque:B00234; Case volume:2 Metal Shields; Control Pressure Measurement:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Control Fluid Drain:No; Weight (approx.):Ball Bearing; Torque:No; Drive Power:No; Sequence Valve:Steel; Pressurefree Operation:C0-Medium; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Inch; Nominal Resistance:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Determining Operating Characteristics:Light Duty; Rotary stiffness:Single Row Ball Bearing; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):31171504; Maximum Volume Flow:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Determining Operating Characteristics:Single Row Ball Bearings; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.0; Maximum angular acceleration:NACHI; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):N/A; Load Pressure:0; Control Pressure Measurement:B00234; Weight (approx.):2 Metal Shields; Rotary stiffness:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Pressurefree Operation:No; Torque:Ball Bearing; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:No; Maximum rotational speed:No; Drive Speed:Steel; Sequence Valve:C0-Medium; Control Fluid Drain:Inch; Flow:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Nominal Resistance:Light Duty; Power:Single Row Ball Bearing; Rate Of Pressure Change:31171504; Drive Power:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Control Pressure Measurement:Single Row Ball Bearings; Maximum Volume Flow:0.0; Drive Speed:NACHI; Pressurefree Operation:N/A; Sequence Valve:0; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:B00234; Rate Of Pressure Change:2 Metal Shields; Maximum angular acceleration:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Moment of inertia rotary group:No; Voltage:Ball Bearing; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):No; Maximum rotational speed:No; Maximum Torque:Steel; Weight (approx.):C0-Medium; Pilot Pressure:Inch; Power:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Nominal Resistance:Light Duty; Load Pressure:Single Row Ball Bearing; Flow:31171504; Control Fluid Drain:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Nominal Resistance:Single Row Ball Bearings; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.0; Determining Operating Characteristics:NACHI; Control Fluid Drain:N/A; Case volume:0; Weight (approx.):B00234; Maximum Torque:2 Metal Shields; Load Pressure:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Drive Power:No; Rate Of Pressure Change:Ball Bearing; Pressurefree Operation:No; Maximum rotational speed:No; Control Pressure Measurement:Steel; Power:C0-Medium; Voltage:Inch; Rotary stiffness:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Moment of inertia rotary group:Light Duty; Maximum angular acceleration:Single Row Ball Bearing; Drive Speed:31171504; Pilot Pressure:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Control Pressure Measurement:Single Row Ball Bearings; Power:0.0; Drive Power:NACHI; Voltage:N/A; Torque:0; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:B00234; Weight (approx.):2 Metal Shields; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Drive Speed:No; Maximum Torque:Ball Bearing; Pressurefree Operation:No; Control Fluid Drain:No; Maximum Volume Flow:Steel; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:C0-Medium; Maximum rotational speed:Inch; Maximum angular acceleration:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Rotary stiffness:Light Duty; Nominal Resistance:Single Row Ball Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:31171504; Moment of inertia rotary group:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-76-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum Torque:Single Row Ball Bearings; Control Fluid Drain:0.0; Flow:NACHI; Load Pressure:N/A; Rate Of Pressure Change:0; Pressurefree Operation:B00234; Torque:2 Metal Shields; Maximum angular acceleration:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Determining Operating Characteristics:No; Maximum Volume Flow:Ball Bearing; Control Pressure Measurement:No; Moment of inertia rotary group:No; Weight (approx.):Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:C0-Medium; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Inch; Sequence Valve:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Drive Power:Light Duty; Pilot Pressure:Single Row Ball Bearing; Voltage:31171504; Drive Speed:8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-153-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Torque:Single Row Ball Bearings; Control Fluid Drain:0.0; Rate Of Pressure Change:NACHI; Determining Operating Characteristics:N/A; Drive Speed:0; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:B00234; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2 Metal Shields; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Pilot Pressure:No; Pressurefree Operation:Ball Bearing; Nominal Resistance:No; Power:No; Maximum rotational speed:Steel; Voltage:C0-Medium; Maximum angular acceleration:Inch; Flow:1" Bore; 2-1/4" Outside Diameter; 5/8" Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0;; Maximum Volume Flow:Light Duty; Sequence Valve:Single Row Ball Bearing; Moment of inertia rotary group:31171504; Weight (approx.):8482.10.50.68; Noun:Bearing; Keyword String:Ball; Outer Race Width:0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter; d:1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0 Inch | 0 Millimeter; D:2.25 Inch | 57.15 Millimeter; |
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Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Double Vane Pump for sale
Brand Name : Yuken. Model Number : Yuken Double Vane Pump PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40. Place of Origin : Japan. MOQ : 1. Payment Terms : T/T, Western
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May 4, 2019 — PV2R1-23-F-RAA-4222. PV2R1-25-F-1R-V-H-10. PV2R1-25LLAL-10. PV2R1-25-L-RAB-40. PV2R12-8-33-F-REAA-4222
vane pumps - YUKEN Hydraulic Equipment
PV2R12. -20 kPa. (5.9 in. Hg Vacuum). -20 kPa. (5.9 in. Hg Vacuum). -20 kPa. (5.9 in. Hg Vacuum) ... Foot Mtg.: PV2R1-*-L-RAA-42/4290. For other ... 12. 26. 22. 20. 18. 14. U.S.GPM. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 30. 32. 8. Output Flow. L/min. 40. 35. 25. 15. 30
YUKEN PV2R12-10-26-F-RAA-40 Pump - Hydraulic Pump
PV2R12-25-59-L-LELL-40; PV2R12-25-65-F-REAA-4390. Yuken PV2R Series Double Vane Pumps PV2R12-8-59-L. PV2R12-10-26-F-RAA-40, PV2R14-12
PV2R - YUKEN Hydraulic Equipment
6, 8. 10, 12. 14, 17. 19, 23. 26, 33. 41, 47. 52, 60. 66, 76. 94, 116. Foot Mtg. L: ... 40. 60. 80. 100. 120. 140. 160. Allowable. Range. Allowable. Range. PV2R12
Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Double Vane pump Video
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- UIE Pump Co., Ltd.
- AddressTianqiao District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
Yuken PV2R12-8-26-L-RAA-40 Technical Articles
How do you calculate the hydraulic power of a pump? |
How do you know if a hydraulic pump is bad? |
How do you size a hydraulic motor pump? |
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